It might mean Britain’s exit from the EU to most people but to us it means the end of sit down breakfast at Dale Farm. We ran the B&B for 5 years and loved (most) of it. Tweaking the menus, sourcing produce, chatting to guests. Paul loves cooking and perfected the porridge and omelettes and kippers and salmon as well as the wonderful Dale Farm full English. I am his biggest critic but I don’t care who won the best breakfast award for those 5 years…it wasn’t as good as ours. I don’t think I ever received a negative comment. I enjoyed the rhythm of getting up early every morning, boiling the water, laying out the fruit and yoghurt and jams and granolas. Putting fresh flowers on the tables, clicking on the radio, lighting the candles and fairy lights.
But this time last year we decided enough was enough. When we went in to this venture semi-retirement had been the general idea soooo we converted the B&B in to a self-catering cottage and said goodbye to fry ups and early starts. Any regrets? NO IT’S BEEN ABSOBLOODYLUTELY FANTASTIC. Each morning on waking I offer thanks that I don’t have to do it anymore. I’m sure Paul feels the same; only Jack is very disappointed as he misses the leftovers terribly.
However, if you really can’t face self-catering…be reassured, you can still order a breakfast picnic which we deliver in a little basket to your door or you can hop down to the beach café at Hunmanby Gap and enjoy your full English with one of the best views in England.